sooooo sunday afternoon i caught hadley trying to hoist herself over the side of her crib using her crib bumper. what the what? i figured i had at least eight more years before she would be ready to move into a big girl bed. come hell or high water, girlfriend is staying put until she is at least two years old {i hope}.
i removed the bumper. things are looking much more institutionalized around here.
in the evening, we joined my parents for mojitos, margaritas and dinner at jack allen's.
hadley kept watch for the first star of the night.
she is ob-sessed with the moon, the stars, planes, birds...anything hanging from the sky. this shirt was MADE for her.
the obsession has carried over into our bedtime routine. every night she says goodnight to the moon from our back porch and we read one {or all} of her three favorite books.
all of which give her plenty of opportunities to point out the moon.